ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2009年15卷  第2期


Assessment of Purifying Efficiency of Plants to Particles and SO2 in Air of Steel Mill


摘要:探讨了钢铁厂绿化植栽对空气中微粒物质及 SO2 的净化效果,选 取 19 种常见绿化树种进行评估。在钢铁厂高炉作业区及污染较低的学 校区分别置放试验树种,试验共为期 16 个月,试验结束后,通过叶片累 积微粒物质含量分析其拦截粒状物效能; 而通过叶片内含硫量分析推 估对空气中 SO2 的净化效益。 结果显示,对大气中微粒净化效能以兰屿 肉豆蔻最佳,净化量为 29.1 g/m2;其次为稜果榕与海芒果,净化量分别 24.2、17.4 g/m2。 试验树种吸收大气中 SO2 以竹柏、稜果榕及兰屿肉豆蔻 较佳,单位质量叶片去除 SO2 量分别为 0.92、0.9、0.8 mg。 


Abstract:The aim of this research was to study the purifying efficiency of plants to particles and sulfur dioxide in the steel industry air. There were 19 common greening trees were put around the blast furnace of steel mill and low air pollution school area, respectively. The total exposure period was 16 months. At the end of the experiment,the particles on leaves and sulfur content in blades were measured for the purifying efficiency assessment. The results showed that the highest particles purifying capability among all tested trees was Myristica cagayanensis, the next were Ficus septica and Cerbera manghas. The purify capacities of particles were 29.1, 24.2 and 17.4 g/m2,respectively. The highest purifying efficiency for sulfur dioxide were Decussocarpus nagi, Ficus septica,and Myristica cagayanensis with the sulfur dioxide purify capacities 0.92,0.9,0.8 mg/g respectively. 

Keywords:airborne particles;sulfur dioxide;plant;purifying efficiency