ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2009年15卷  第2期


Preliminary Investigation of Air Quality in Portray Storage-room of the Museum of the Terracotta Army During Winter


摘要:于 2008 年 1 月 30 日~3 月 3 日,在秦始皇兵马俑博物馆陶器库 开展了室内大气环境调查, 同步采集了大气悬浮颗粒 PM2.5 和 NH3 样 品,获得了 PM2.5 颗粒中的离子组成,并实时监测了 SO2、NOx 的浓度变 化。 结果表明,陶器库中 PM2.5 平均质量浓度为 76.1 μg/m3,室外 PM2.5 平均 质量浓度为 153.9 μg/m3,约为室内浓度的 2 倍。 室内 PM2.5 中水溶性离子 主要由 SO42-、NO3-和 NH4+组成, 平均质量浓度分别为 17.5、5.2、5.5 μg/m3, 它们分别占 PM2.5 质量浓度的 19.7%、5.2%、5.8%。库内 NH3 平均浓度为 4.8 μg/m3,室外 NH3 平均浓度 6.6 μg/m3,约为室内的 1.4 倍。 室内 NO、 NO2、NOx 浓度日 平 均 分 别 为 4.8×10-9、3.2×10-9、8.0×10-9,SO2 浓 度 日 平 均为 0.9×10-9。 研究表明,库内人为活动量对质量浓度、离子浓度和污 染气体均有一定影响, 库房相对于室外对阻挡颗粒物减少外界影响方 面对文物有一定的保护作用, 但在阻隔空气污染物和恒温恒湿方面的 作用还有待加强。 


Abstract:From Jan.30 to Mar.3,2008,a preliminary investigation of in door air was conducted in the storage-room of the Museum of the Terra cotta Army. The airborne particles PM2.5 and NH3 samples were collect ed and real-time SO2 and NOx concentrations were monitored simultane ously. The results showed that the average indoor and outdoor PM2.5 mass concentration was 76.1 μg/m3 and 153.9 μg/m3,respectively,i.e., outdoor PM2.5 was about 2 times than that of indoors. Major water-solu ble ions of indoor were consisted of SO42-, NO3-,and NH4+. Their con centrations were 17.5,5.2, 5.5 μg/m3,respectively,which contributed to 19.7% , 5.2% ,and 5.8% of mass concentrations. Ammonia the gas concentrations were 4.8 μg/m3 and 6.6 μg/m3,respectively,i.e.,the out doors are 1.4 times of the indoors. Indoor NO,NO2,NOx,and SO2 con centrations were 4.8 ×10-9,3.2 ×10-9,8.0 ×10-9,0.9 ×10-9,respectively. Therefore, the storage-room was functional for preventing particles and influences coming from outdoors,yet less satisfying in the sealing per formance of airproof and constant temperature and humidity,so that failed to achieve the aim of successively protecting the cultural relics in side it. 

Keywords:culture relics; airborne particles; air quality; water-soluble ions