摘要: 介绍用于光子相关光谱法颗粒粒径分布计算中的非负最小二乘 法,并对其进行改进,增加自动搜索反演范围功能。通过数值模拟分析, 比较了在无噪声和多种噪声水平影响下非负最小二乘法和自动搜索反 演范围的最小二乘法对单分散和双分散颗粒系的反演结果。研究表明: 自动搜索反演范围的最小二乘法用于颗粒粒径的计算能获得更加准确 的结果。
Abstract:A non-neqative least square (NNLS) algorithm was presented for inversion computation of particles size distribution in photon correla tion spectroscopy. An auto-adjusting range NNLS (AAR-NNLS) algo rithm was developed based on the NNLS algorithm. The numerical tests were performed,which simulated the mono-disperse particulate systems and dual-disperse particulate systems with zero and nonzero noise pollu tions. The comparisons were made between inverse results of NNLS algo rithm and those of AAR-NNLS algorithm. The study showed that the re sults of nano-particles measured by AAR-NNLS algorithm were more ac curate.
Keywords:photon correlation spectroscopy;particle size measurement; non-neqative least square algorithm