ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2009年15卷  第5期


Techniques for Scavenging Nano-sized Aerosol


摘要: 针对目前人工纳米材料的广泛应用而造成大量的纳米气溶胶颗 粒进入大气中危害环境及人类的健康的问题, 本文中论述了纳米气溶 胶的性质及其分类,根据国内外文献的报道,分析了纳米气溶胶净化技 术的研究现状及影响因素, 提出凝并技术与过滤净化技术相结合将是 纳米气溶胶净化技术的发展趋势,并提供了具体方案,为纳米气溶胶净 化工艺的选择提供了指导性参考。 


Abstract:In order to solve the problem of massive nano-sized aerosols go ing into environment produced by manufactured nano-materials, endan gering the environment and human health, the properties and origin of nanosized aerosol were mainly summarized. Then the situations and the impacting parameters for scavenging nano-sized aerosol were presented. The research orientations of combination of coagulating technique and fil tration technique for scavenging nano-sized aerosol were brought forward. The design method was provided, guiding the choice for scavenging nano-sized aerosol. 

Keywords:nano-sized aerosol;scavenging;coagulating technique