摘要:利用杭州市区 2006—2008 年大气悬浮颗粒 PM2.5 和 PM2.5-10 的监测资料,研究它们的物化特征。 结果表明:杭州主城区 PM2.5 和 PM2.5-10 3年的平均浓度分别为 0.073、 0.037 mg·m-3, ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM2.5-10)的比值为 1.86。 PM2.5 浓度存在双峰型日变化,以 9:00 和 18:00 为峰值,日变化幅度较大,并呈现冬高、夏低的季节变化。 PM2.5 化学组分分析表明:PM2.5 中含量最多的是有机碳,占 24.4%,其次是 SO42-,不同组分呈现不同的季节变化。
Abstract:Based on the monitoring datas of PM2.5 from 2006 to 2008 over Hangzhou urban, the physical and chemical characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that the average concentrations of PM2.5 and PM2.5-10during three years were 0.073 mg·m-3 and 0.037 mg·m-3, respectively. ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM2.5-10) ratio was 1.86. Obvious diurnal variation of PM2.5 was observed, and showed a clear seasonal pattern with high concentration in winter and low values in summer. PM2.5 chemical components were analyzed, it was shown that the percent of organic carbon was most abundant, which was 24.4% , and SO42- was secondary. The seasonal variation of PM2.5 components were ddifference.
Keywords:particulate matter; second particle; diurnal variation