ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2010年16卷  第2期


Influence of Emulsion Concentration on Particle Sizing by Using Light Extinction Method




Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of emulsion concentration on particle sizing, and based on Lambert-Beer law, a series of experiments on emulsion particle sizing at different concentrations were carried out by using multi-spectral light extinction method. Numerical simulations based on Monte Carlo method were performed to discuss the possible multiple scattering effects on particle sizing at higher concentration. Both results in dicated that a critical concentration was found,which appeared in around 1.8‰ for the fat emulsion and between 0.5‰ to 0.6‰ for the olive oil emulsim. Over the critical concentration, the accuracy of particle size measurement could be dramaticlly affected by variation of particle concentration. 

Keywords:light extinction method; particle sizing; concentration