ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2010年16卷  第3期


Study on De-ironing and Bleaching Process of Kaolin




Abstract:The iron removal and bleaching experiment on kaolin was made by the method of vitriol as soaking agent and Na2S2O4 as reducer. The factors that influenced iron removal and bleaching result were investigated, including sulfuric acid concentration, temperature, soaking time, dosage of Na2S2O4, dosage of oxalic acid, and so on. The best iron removal and bleaching project was worked out. When the mass ratio of kaolin and water was 20∶100 , the mass fraction of sulfuric acid was 20% , temperature was 80 ℃, soaking time was 2 h, dosage of Na2S2O4 was 0.5 g and dosage of oxalic acid was 1.0 g. After iron removal and bleaching, the mass fraction of Fe2O3 in kaolin was dropped from 2.098% to 0.35% and the kaolin whiteness was increased from 56.4% to 81.5%. 

Keywords:kaolin; iron removal; bleaching