ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2010年16卷  第5期


Process Optimization and Energy Saving of Superfine Grinding of Zirconium Silicate



关键词: 超细粉体;球磨机;搅拌磨

Abstract: In order to develop the application of ball mill and stirring mill in materials grinding process, by comparing the performances of ball mill and stirring mill, their grinding efficiency in the production of zirconium silicate superfine powder was analyzed. It was found that the ball mill and stirring mill being combined in different stages in grinding process and choosing the optimal combination point could display the two kinds of equipment's merits fully, the grinding efficiency also improved. The results showed that the zirconium silicate superfine particles with median particle size of 1 μm were produced in big scale by this technology. The grinding energy consumption was decreased obviously and the unit cost was saved. 

Keywords:superfine powder; ball mill; stirring mill