关键词: 粉尘爆炸;初始湍流;火焰传播
Abstract:The propagating process of flame and pressure of dust explosions in interconnected plants handling combustible dust or powder and the influencing factors were investigated by the large scale experimental equipments. The test configuration consists of two vessels with different volume interconnected by a pipe. The explosion transmitted from one vessel into the other vessel through the connecting pipe. Dust explosions tests were conducted under different level of pre-ignition turbulence and signal of flame and pressure were measured at different locations. The experimental results showed that the explosive severity enhanced and the propagating velocity of flame and pressure wave increased with increasing pre-ignition turbulence intensity. It was proven that pre-ignition turbulence was a dominant factor in affecting dust explosions and this influencing factor should be considered in safety protection and design for dust explosions hazard.
Keywords:dust explosion; pre-ignition turbulence; flame propagation; interconnected vessels