ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2011年17卷  第1期


Development of Certified Reference Materials for Specific Surface Area of Carbon Black


摘要:选择商品化的碳黑作为比表面积标准物质候选材料,利用交叉缩分的方法对碳黑样品进行分装。经均匀性、稳定性(18个月)检验,碳黑标准物质样品具有良好的均匀性和稳定性。按照国际公认的氮气物理吸附BET方法,联合测量能力经确认过的8家实验室对碳黑标准物质样品进行定值(104.6、29.9、8.96 m2/g)。与国内外同类标准物质比较表明:研制的3种碳黑比表面积标准物质的相对不确定度(2.1%、2.3%和3.2%)达到国际同类标准物质的先进水平。

关键词: 标准物质;比表面积;碳黑

Abstract: The three commercial carbon blacks were used as the candidates for certified reference materials (CRMs) of specific surface area and subpackaged in the transparent glass bottles sealed with screw cap by means of cross riffling method. The homogeneity and stability tests showed that the carbon black CRMs were homogeneous and stable for at least 18 months, respectively. The BET specific surface areas of 104.6, 29.9, 8.96 m2/g were certified by internationally recognized nitrogen physical adsorption method among eight validated separate laboratories. Compared with the similar CRMs in the world, it was showed that the uncertainties (2.1%, 2.3% and 3.2%) of three carbon black CRMs came up to advanced world level. 

Keywords: certified reference materials; specific surface area; carbon black