ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2012年18卷  第6期


Quantum Theory of Photoelectric Effect for Metal


摘要:为研究金属光电效应的量子理论,给出金属中一个电子的总哈密顿量,建立适合电子量子振动特性的算符代数理论,根据量子算符代 数理论,得到金属中一个电子的总能量,由光电效应理论得到一个自由光子的静止质量和一个自由光子的能量表示。 


Abstract:In order to research the quantum theory of photoelectric effect for metal,the total quantum Hamiltonian of one electron in metal was given. A quantum operator theory was proposed to suit the character of quantum oscillatony for electron. Based on the quantum operator algebraic theory, the total energy of a electron in the metal were given. From the photorelectric effect theory,the static mass and energy of a free photon were given. 

Keywords:metal;electron;photoelectric effect;quantum theory