ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2014年20卷  第4期


Application of Particuology in High Temperature Gas Cooled Nuclear Reactor Engineering




Abstract: The application of particuology in nuclear engineering which was high temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor was reviewed. It was thought that there were many application issues of particuology in the development process of high temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor, such as particle preparation, measurement, coating, fluidization, transport, aerosols aggregation and deposition. The integration between the particuology and nuclear engineering was condensed. The results show that particuology in nuclear engineering has universal significance, and also has its own peculiarities. The in-depth study of interdisciplinary point can provide better service for the safe use of nuclear energy, and expand the scope and content of the particuology discipline. 

Keywords: particuology; nuclear engineering; high temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor