ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2014年20卷  第5期


Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nano-particles by Surfactant Assisted Microwave Method




Abstract: The effect of various surfactants on structure, morphology and UV-Vis properties of zinc oxide crystals prepared by microwave irradiation method were studied. TEM, XRD, EDAX and UV-Vis spectrum were used to analyze the structure and morphology of as-obtained samples. The results show that different morphologies such as rods, belts and particles of zinc oxide crystals can be obtained by changing types of surfactants. All as-obtained samples are single-crystal zinc oxide and have strong properties of ultraviolet absorption and visible light permeability. 

Keywords: zinc oxide; microwave irradiation; nano-belt; nano-rod