ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2014年20卷  第6期


Simulation of Dynamic Light Scattering from Polydisperse Particle System Based on Brownian Motion




Abstract: To optimize the scattering equipment and inversion algorithm, especially for polydisperse particle systems, based on the theory of three-dimensional Brownian motion and coherent optics, a numerical method of simulating dynamic light scattering signals was developed. The expression of the total intensity of scattered light and normalized autocorrelation function in polydisperse particle systems were derived. The dynamic light scattering intensity from monodisperse particle systems and polydisperse particle systems were simulated. The effect of particle numbers and total sample time on correlation function curves was studied. The results show that the calculated autocorrelation functions of the simulated intensity signals agree well with those of theories, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the numerical method. 

Keywords: dynamic light scattering; polydisperse system; Brownian motion; autocorrelation function; signal simulation