ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2015年21卷  第2期


Characteristies and Application of Flame Retardant, Thermal Stability and Heat Resistance Mineral Powder Materials




Abstract: According to performance requirements of flame retardant, thermal stability and heat resistance mineral powder materials,structural characteristics, material processing and application performance were briefly introduced on brucite, montmorillonite, attapulgite, hydrotalcite, hydromagnesite, huntite and dolomite attapulgite minerals. The results show that in the field of preparation and application of flame retardant, thermal stability and heat resistance of mineral powder materials, magnesia minerals taking brucite, hydrotalcite, attapulgite and hydromagnesite as representatives belong to categories with the most varieties and the maximum application. Processed materials have various advantages of friendly environment, superior performance, cost-effective products and so on. The mineral materials processing cost in economy is far better than that of synthetic materials. Technical indicators of synthetic materials are met or exceeded. 

Keywords: flame retardant; thermal stability; heat resistance; mineral powder materials