摘要:采用计算流体力学-离散单元法(CFD-DEM)耦合方法,对文丘里粉体喷射器内部 5 种不同粒径球形颗粒组成的颗粒群的气力输送过程进行数值模拟;分析颗粒的运动轨迹,发现部分颗粒在吸收室的底部聚集,颗粒在文丘里喷射器内部的运动集中分布在输送管道的中下部位,小尺寸颗粒速度较快,颗粒尺寸越大,颗粒与颗粒碰撞次数越多,颗粒与壁面碰撞次数越少;采用离散单元法-有限单元分析(DEM-FEA)耦合方法对颗粒与壁面碰撞引起的壁面应力变化进行分析。结果表明,喷射器在喷嘴出口处附近和吸收室底部出现应力峰值。
关键词:文丘里喷射器;计算流体力学-离散单元法耦合;颗粒 运动;离散单元法-有限单元分析耦合;应力分析
Abstract: The pneumatic conveying process of Venturi powder injector was simulated by using the method of computational fluid dynamics -discrete element method (CFD -DEM) coupling,internal particle group was composed of five different diameters particles. The trajectories of particles were analyzed,part of particles gather together at the bottom of the absorption section. Most of the particles distribute in the middle and lower parts of pipelines in venturi powder ejector,small size particles are faster. The greater the particle size is, the more particle -particle collisions are and the less particle-wall collisions are. Analysis of the wall stress change due to the impact of particles was carried out by using the method of discrete element method-finite element analysis (DEM-FEA) coupling. It results that there is peak stress near the nozzle exit and the bottom of the absorbed section.
Keywords: Venturi ejector;computational fluid dynamics - discrete element method coupling;particle motion;discrete element method-finite element analysis coupling;stress analysis