ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2016年22卷  第5期


Mechanical and dry shrinkage properties of roadbase with fly ash cement stabilized crushed stone




Abstract:In order to definite the service performance of roadbase with fly ash cement stabilized crushed stone, the indoor tests were implemented to test the unconfined compressive strength,compressive resilient modulus, splitting strength, filtration rate and dry shrinkage strain of stabilized crushed stone base materials with different fly ash content and cement dosage. The results show that when using the stabilized crushed stone base with fly ash to pave the base of secondary and under secondary roads, its dosage should not exceed 75% of the total. From the angle of economic rationality,cement dose can be controlled below 2.5%. To avoid the higher filtration rate and dry shrinkage strain of fly ash cement stabilized crushed stone base, the moisturizing regimen must be strictly controlled in practical application at the beginning of the formation to prevent early dry shrinkage cracks generation.

Keywords: lime;fly ash;roadbase;mechanical property;filtration rate;dry shrinkage strain