摘要:为探讨动态光散射法粒径测量结果的不确定度来源及其对测量结果的影响程度, 选取2种不同粒径的二氧化硅 (标称粒径分别为20、80 nm) 混合体系为研究对象, 利用动态光散射法测量混合体系中颗粒的粒径, 对其不确定度来源进行分析, 依据不确定度评定方法对测量结果进行不确定度评定。结果表明:2种颗粒的粒径测量平均值分别为17.80、88.43 nm, 测量结果可表示为 (17.80±1.02) 、 (88.43±2.48) nm;衰减率、温度、散射角、黏度、重复性测量等均为测量结果的不确定度来源, 其中重复性测量是主要来源。
Abstract:To discuss the uncertainty sources of the particle size measurement by dynamic light scattering (DLS) , and their influence degree on the measurement results, the particles with the nominal value of 20 and 80 nm were mixed and then measured by DLS. The uncertainty sources were analyzed, and the uncertainty of the results were evaluated. The results show that the measured particle sizes are 17.80 and 88.43 nm respectively, and the results are expressed as (17.80±1.02) nm and (88.43±2.48) nm. Among all the uncertainty sources, such as decay rate, temperature, scattering angle, viscosity and repeated measurement, among them the repeated measurement is the main source.
Keywords: dynamic light scattering;nano silica;particle size;uncertainty