ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2017年23卷  第1期

CaSO4-CuO-Ben 载氧体煤化学链燃烧反应特性

Reactivity of CaSO4-CuO-Ben oxygen carrier in chemical-looping combustion of coal


摘要:以工业CaSO4、Cu (NO3) _2及膨润土 (Ben) 为原料, 机械混合法制备CaSO4-CuO-Ben载氧体;在高温流化床上以水蒸气为气化介质, 考察CuO和温度对其煤化学链燃烧反应特性的影响及载氧体的循环反应性能。结果表明:CuO的添加有效增强载氧体的反应活性, 提高煤的燃烧效率;850℃、m (CaSO4) ∶m (CuO) 为10∶1.5 (CaCu1.5) 时复合载氧体的反应活性更高, 碳转化率达到91.27%, CO2体积分数达到89.34%;10次还原-氧化实验表明, CaCu1.5载氧体能够保持良好的循环反应活性。


Abstract:CaSO4-CuO-Ben oxygen carriers (OC) were prepared with industrial calcium sulfate, bentonite and copper nitrate using mechanical mixing methods. The experiments were carried out in a fluidized bed, where the steam acted as the gasification medium.Effects of CuO and temperature on the reactivity of the prepared OC were investigated. In addition, the cycling stability of the OC was also detected. It shows that the reactivity of oxygen carrier is enhanced and the coal combustion efficiency is increased by adding Cu O. By increasing the carbon conversion efficiency and the average CO2 concentration to 91.27% and 89.34%, the OCCaCu 1.5 (m (CaSO4) ∶m (CuO) =10∶1.5) exhibits higher reactivity at850 ℃. The ten redox tests demonstrate that the OC Ca Cu 1.5 is featured by the high reactivity and excellent cycling stability.

Keywords: Ca-based compound oxygen carrier;chemical looping combustion;CuO;fluidized bed