摘要:综述离散-连续混合多尺度模型在计算流体力学中的应用研究进展, 介绍混合多尺度模型的研究意义、建立方法及发展进程;重点评述混合直接蒙特卡洛方法及纳维叶-斯托克斯方程的方法在稀薄气体流动研究中的进展和混合分子动力学方法及纳维叶-斯托克斯方程的方法在纳微液体流动研究中的进展;简单介绍其他混合多尺度方法;总结混合多尺度模型的优缺点并展望其未来研究方向。
Abstract:This work reviewed the advance of the discrete-continuum hybrid multi-scale model for computational fluid mechanics. The significance, setup procedure and development progress of hybrid multi-scale model are further introduced. In the second part, the hybrid DSMC-NS method for rarefied gas flow and the hybrid MD-NS method for nano-and micro-fluid flows were reviewed. The merits and drawbacks of hybrid multi-scale model were summarized and the possible future research focuses were also highlighted.
Keywords: discrete-continuum coupling;hybrid atomistic continuum;hybrid multi-scale model;multi-scale coupling;tran-scale correlation