ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2018年24卷  第3期


Variations of difference between surface temperature and air temperature and its impact on aerosol concentration in basin city


摘要:观测四川盆地典型城市成都连续5 a逐小时的地表温度 (Ts) 、气温 (Ta) 及其颗粒物 (PM10、PM2.5) 质量浓度等, 分析地气温差 (Ts-Ta) 的变化特征及其对颗粒物质量浓度的影响。结果表明:平均地气温差为2.01℃, 地气温差0.31.2℃, 变化幅度较小;地气温差年变化最大时出现在4月, 最小时出现在11月, 三次拟合曲线可以较好地模拟成都温差的年变化特征;地气温差日变化显著, 在不同季节中变化趋势大致相同, 极值大小差异较大, 分段拟合对温差日变化特征模拟较好;颗粒物污染明显, 地气温差较小时, 颗粒物质量浓度偏大, 反之偏小。


Abstract:With the hourly data of land surface temperature (Ts) , air temperature (Ta) and aerosol mass concentration, the characteristics of the difference between surface temperature and air temperature (Ts-Ta) and its impacts on aerosol concentration were studied. The results show that the average air temprature is 2.01℃ and the distribution of average air temperature is 0.3~1.2℃. The maximum value of (Ts-Ta) appeares in April while the minimum in November. The annual change variations are fitted well by cubic curve fitting equation. Diurnal variation of (Ts-Ta) is significant. Although the variations in four seasons have similarly changing tendency, the extremum values are different. The aerosol pollution in Chengdu is serious. The effects of (Ts-Ta) on aerosol concentration is significant, the greater the (Ts-Ta) , aerosol concentration is low, otherwise, the reverse.

Keywords: basin city; differences between ground and air temperatures; aerosol