ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2019年25卷  第3期


Effects of acidity on the structure and properties of montmorillonite, attapulgite and montmorillonite-attapulgite composite clay


摘要: 以辽宁喀左钠基蒙脱石、盱眙凹凸棒石为原料,探究溶液酸度( pH 值) 对蒙脱石、凹凸棒石及其复合黏土的悬浮液样品的结构和性能的影响,并以X射线衍射、透射电镜、显微电镜、Zeta 电位分析对其凝胶性能进行测试和表征。结果表明,蒙脱石片层的剥离和分散程度、凹凸棒石的晶束解离和分散程度、Zeta 电位绝对值均随着酸度的增大而增大; 单组分凹凸棒石样品的黏度随酸度增大而先增大后减小,酸度为11.3 时黏度达到最大值 516 mPa·s; 蒙脱石及复合黏土样品的黏度、Zeta 电位绝对值均随酸度的增大而显著增大; 单组分蒙脱石样品酸度为 12.3 时黏度值超过 10 000 mPa·s,复合样品在酸度为 13 时黏度最大值为 8 920 mPa·s; 同样酸度条件下,复合黏土样品的黏度值较蒙脱石小,即凝胶性能较差。

关键词: 酸度;蒙脱石;凹凸棒石;复合黏土;凝胶性能

Abstract: The Na-montmorillonite from Kazuo and the attapulgite from Xuyi were adopted as ingredients,the effects of acidity( pH value) on the structure and properties of montmorillonite、attapulgite and composite clay suspensions were investigated.The gel properties were tested and characterized by X-ray diffraction,transmission electron microscopy, microelectron microscopy and Zeta potential analysis.The results show that with the increase of pH,the platelets detachment and dispersion degree of montmorillonite,the crystal beam dissociation and dispersion degree of attapulgite,the absolute value Zeta potential all increase.For the attapulgite sample,the viscosity increase first and decrease afterwords, when the acidity is 11.3,the viscosity reaches to the maximum as 516 mPa·s.The viscosity of montmorillonite sample and the composite clay sample increase dramatically with the increase of acidity.At pH =12. 3,the viscosity of monomodacite sample reaches more than 10 000 mPa·s.The viscosity of composite clay sample is up to 8 920 mPa·s at pH =13,and the viscosity value of composite clay sample is smaller than that of montmorillonite,that is,the gel performance is poor.

Keywords: acidity; montmorillonite; attapulgite; composite clay; gel property