(北京航空航天大学 a.航空科学与工程学院; b.粉体技术研究开发北京市重点实验室,北京 100191)
收稿日期:2020-08-25,修回日期:2020-10-08,在线出版时间:2020-11-02 10:31。
Abstract:Two-dimensional nano-materials such as graphene films,graphene-based composite coatings,hexagonal boron nitride and molybdenum disulfide have excellent properties of anti-permeability and have broad application prospects in the field of corrosion protection. Firstly,the preparation methods,anticorrosion mechanism,existing problems and improvement methods of single-layer and multi-layer graphene coatings are summarized. Subsequently,in terms of graphene-based composite coatings,various covalent or non-covalent modification methods of graphene and graphene oxide and their corrosion protection mechanisms in organic coatings are mainly discussed. In addition,the main research results of boron nitride and other two-dimensional nanomaterials as new corrosion resistant materials are introduced. Finally,the research prospect of two-dimensional nanomaterials in the field of corrosion protection is prospected.
Keywords:two-dimensional nano-materials; corrosion protection; coating; film; modification
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