曹 雪, 滕元成, 王山林, 王 文
(西南科技大学 材料科学与工程学院, 四川 绵阳 621000)
收稿日期: 2020-08-01,修回日期:2020-12-15,在线出版时间:2021-04-07 13:01。
摘要:为了固化高放射性石墨,采用石墨粉模拟放射性核素14C,以ZnO、Al2O3、SiO2为原料,制备ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2(ZAS)玻璃作为烧结助剂;以ZAS玻璃粉、Si、石墨粉为原料高温煅烧合成SiC-ZAS复相粉体颗粒的过程模拟固化高放射性石墨。借助高温光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪、电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪等分析仪器,研究ZAS玻璃的熔融特性与化学稳定性,以及SiC-ZAS复相粉体的合成。结果表明:配方为3.9Zn O·Al2O3·5.1SiO2的ZAS玻璃的流动温度为1 378℃,在pH为5~9的水溶液中浸泡28 d时,Si、Zn、Al的归一化浸出率分别为10-3、10-5、10-6g/(m2·d)数量级;合成SiC-ZAS复相粉体条件为1 350℃真空煅烧3 h,硅碳物质的量之比为1.075。
Abstract:To solidify high-radioactive graphite,using graphite powder to simulate radionuclide 14C.Using ZnO,Al2O3 and SiO2 as raw materials,ZAS glass was prepared as sintering assistant.Using ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass powder,Si and graphite powder as raw materials,the process of synthesis SiC-ZAS composite powder particles was simulated to solidify high radioactive graphite.By virtue of high-temperature microscope,X-ray diffraction,inductive coupled plasma emission spectrometer and other analytical instrument,the melting characteristics and chemical stability of ZAS glass as well as the synthesis of SiC-ZAS composite powders were studied.The results show that the flow temperature of the ZAS glass with a formula of 3.9 ZnO·1Al2O3·5.1SiO2 is 1 378℃,and the normalized leaching rates of Si,Zn and Al are 10-3,10-5 and 10-6g/(m2·d),respectively,when the ZAS glass immersed in an aqueous solution with a pH of 5~9 for 28 days.The synthesis of SiC-ZAS composite powder is calcined at 1 350℃ for 3h in vacuum and the ratio of the amount of silicon to carbonis 1.075.
Keywords:SiC-ZAS; composite powder; simulate; immobilize; high-radioactive graphite;
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