ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2021年27卷  第4期


Identification of coal and gangue based on object detection network

高新宇, 李 博, 王璐瑶, 李廉洁, 王学文

(太原理工大学机械与运载工程学院; 煤矿综采装备山西省重点试验室, 山西太原 030024)


收稿日期: 2021-04-23, 修回日期:2021-05-01,在线出版时间:2021-06-01 09:55。






Abstract: A platform of coal-gangue separation was set up in the laboratory according to the actual working conditions. Adopting object detection network to identify coal and gangue online and according to the shape and size of coal gangue during sorting, the feature pyramid in the object detection network was set as three scales, and the shape and size of the anchor were determined. Comparing the AP (average precision) of the validation set under 10 IOU (intersection over union) thresholds, and a dynamic test was carried out on the separation platform built. The results show that the classification and positioning effect of the object detection network was the best when the IOU was 0.8, and the precision and recall of dynamic identification can reach more than 95%.

Keywords: coal-gangue separation; image processing; deep learning; object detection


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