ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2021年27卷  第6期


Influence of structural parameters on performance of horizontal cyclone separator with single discharge pipe

张思源1,2,孙思敏1,2,郭 帅1,王小芳1,2,朱治平1,2

(1. 中国科学院 工程热物理研究所,北京 100190;2. 中国科学院大学 工程科学学院,北京 100049)


收稿日期: 2021-03-25,修回日期:2021-09-13,在线出版时间:2021-10-18 17:13。




摘要:为了有效分离气化半焦与煤气,通过控制变量法设计试验,考察卧式单排料管下排气式旋风分离器的关键结构参数(排料管直径D4、排气管与排料管上缘夹角β、导流体长度L4)对分离器关键性能指标(分离效率η、漏气率δ、分离器进口到排料管压降ΔP1、分离器进口到排气管压降ΔP2)的影响。结果表明:当D4从60 mm增大至80 mm时,η在94.9%~95.6%内变动,δ、ΔP1则逐渐增加;当β为55°时,η取得最大值,而δ随β变化很小,当β为50°时,ΔP1和ΔP2达到最大值;当L4为300 mm时,η、ΔP1、ΔP2达到最小值,在负载状况下,δ随L4变化幅度为2%。


Abstract:In order to separate semi coke and gas,this paper has designed a single factor variable test on performance of horizontal cyclone separator with single discharge pipe. The effects of key structural parameters(diameter of discharge pipe D4,angle between exhaust pipe and discharge pipe β,length of guide body L4) on performance indexes(separation efficiency η,air leakage rate δ,pressure drop ΔP1 between inlet and discharge pipe of separator,pressure drop ΔP2 between inlet and exhaust pipe of separator) were investigated. The results show that when D4 increases from 60 mm to 80 mm,η changes from 94. 9% to 95. 6% .δ and ΔP1 increase gradually with D4. When β is 55°,η reaches the maximum. As β increases,δ changes little. ΔP1 and ΔP2 reach the maximum when β is 50°. When L4 is 300 mm,η、ΔP1 and ΔP2 reach the minimum. δ changes with L4 by 2% under load condition.

Keywords:horizontal cyclone; pressure loss; separation efficiency; air leak rate


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