ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2022年28卷  第1期


Preparation and dust removal performance test of a new type of microporous membrane filter material

王 岩,张 涛,陈宜华,王 攀,邱树永,吕真虎

(安徽工业大学 能源与环境学院,安徽 马鞍山 243002)


收稿日期: 2021-05-26,修回日期:2021-11-08,在线出版时间:2021-12-02。



摘要:针对常规除尘器滤料压力损失增长快、易磨损、易粘袋等问题,采用环氧树脂、丙酮、二乙烯三胺、有机玻璃树脂、无水乙醇等化学试剂对无纺布滤料基材进行表面改性处理,制备出新型微孔膜滤料;在对其孔径分布、透气性能、力学性能、过滤性能以及形貌结构等进行实验分析的基础上,探讨微观结构与除尘性能的关系。结果表明:无纺布滤料基材经表面改性处理后,新型微孔膜滤料的孔径尺寸为5~50μm,透气性略为降低、过滤精度和力学性能明显提升,机械强度增加;过滤风速在1.2 m/min以下时,新型微孔膜滤料的全尘过滤效率≥99%;分级过滤效率受粉尘粒径大小影响较小,对PM2.5的分级过滤效率≥96%;静态过滤压损随着过滤风速的增大而增大,动态过滤压损随着过滤时间的增加而增大;新型微孔膜滤料的过滤方式为表面过滤,表面附着的三维网状光滑膜层能提高过滤精度,充当粉尘初层,降低动态过滤压损,减少粉尘沉积,提高过滤效率,降低清灰难度。


Abstract:For the problems of rapid increase in pressure loss, easy abrasion and easy bag sticking of conventional dust collector filter materials, chemical reagents such as epoxy resin, acetone, diethylene triamine, plexiglass resin and absolute ethanol were used to treat non-woven filter material substrate by means of surface modification treatment, so as to prepare a new type of microporous membrane filter material.Based on the experimental analysis of its pore size distribution, air permeability, mechanical properties, filtration performance and morphological structure, the relationship between microstructure and dust removal performance was discussed. Research shows that after the surface modification treatment of the non-woven filter material substrate, the pore size of the new microporous membrane filter material is 5~50 μm, the air permeability is slightly reduced, the filtration accuracy and mechanical performance are obviously improved and the mechanical strength is increased. When the filtration wind speed is below 1.2 m/min, the total dust filtration efficiency of the new microporous membrane filter material is greater than or equal to 99%, the graded filtration efficiency of the new microporous membrane filter material is less affected by the particle sizeand the efficiency of graded filtration of PM2.5 is greater than or equal to 96%.Static filtration pressure loss increases with the increasing of filtration wind speed. Dynamic filtration pressure loss increases with the increasing of filtration time. The three-dimensional mesh smooth membrane layer attached to the surface of the new microporous membrane filter material, whose filtration mode is surface filtration, improves the filtration accuracy, acts as the initial layer of dust, reduces the dynamic filtration pressure loss and dust deposition, improves the filtration efficiency and reduces the difficulty of dust removal.

Keywords:non-woven filter material; microporous membrane filter material; surface modification; dust removal performance


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