吴志文1,2,高文桂1a,杨海涛2,3,胡超权2,3,武丽荣2,4,黄凌云1,李 磊1
1.昆明理工大学 a.冶金与能源工程学院;b.省部共建复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室,云南 昆明 650093;
2.中国科学院 过程工程研究所;多相复杂系统国家重点实验室,北京 100190;
3.中国科学院大学 化学工程学院,北京 100049;
4.中科院过程工程研究所南京绿色制造产业创新研究院,江苏 南京 211135
收稿日期: 2021-07-10,修回日期:2021-10-14,在线出版时间:2022-01-24。
摘要: 综述液相加压氢还原法、化学镀法、电沉积法等镍粉制备原理和制备工艺;从镍涂层制备原理、镍包铜粉制备工艺、镍包石墨制备工艺等方面总结镍包覆粉体的研究进展;概括银包镍粉制备原理、制备工艺等。认为镍系导电粉体具有良好的抗氧化性和导电性,在电磁屏蔽方面的应用越来越广泛;核壳结构的镍系导电粉体在性能、成本等方面优势突出;行业对粒径均匀性、表面光滑度、纯度等复合粉体指标提出更高的要求。指出制备镍系导电粉体的化学镀工艺采用常温常压操作,但制备粉体的镀层含有磷、硼等杂质,镀层纯度较低,废水量大;加压氢还原工艺镀层纯度高,废水量小;电沉积工艺以电能为还原剂,废水量小,镀层纯度高。
关键词: 镍粉;镍包铜;镍包石墨;银包镍;电磁屏蔽;核壳结构;加压氢还原;化学镀;电沉积
Abstract:Preparation principle and process of nickel powders by using liquid phase pressurized hydrogen reduction method,electroless plating method,and electrodeposition method were reviewed.Research progress of nickel coated powders as summarized from preparation principle of nickel coating,as well as preparation process of nickel coated copper and nickel coated graphite.Preparation principle and process of silver-coated nickel powders were summarized.It is considered that nickel anductine powders have good oxidation resistance and electrical conductivity whcih are widely used in electromagnetic shielding.Core-shell structure composite powders have prominent advantages in performance,cost and other aspects.Higher requirements for particle size uniformity,surface smoothness,purity and other powder indexes are put forward.It is put forword that electroless plating process is used to prepare nickel conductive powder at room temperature and pressure,but the coating contains phosphorus,boron and other impurities.The purity of the coating is low,and the amount of wastewater is large.Pressurized hydrogen reduction process has high purity of coating and small amount of wastewater.Electrodeposition process uses electric energy as reducing agent,the amount of waste water is small,and the purity of coating is high.
Keywords:nickel powder;nickel coated copper powder;nickelcoated graphite powder;silver coated nickel powder;electromagnetic shielding;core-shell structure;pressurized hydrogen reduction;electroless plating;electrodeposition
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