周叶红1, 郭晨夫2, 尚志新3, 任冬寅3, 盖国胜4,梁文婷1
(1. 山西大学环境科学研究所, 山西太原030006; 2. 山西沪金新材料有限公司, 山西太原030006;3. 德州学院纺织服装学院, 山东德州253023; 4. 清华大学材料学院, 北京100084)
收稿日期: 2021-11-11, 修回日期:2022-10-08,在线出版时间:2022-11-01。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目, 编号: 21976113; 襄垣县固废综合利用科技攻关项目,编号:2018XYSDJS-06。
E-mail: yhzhou@sxu.edu.cn。
通信作者简介:尚志新(1986—), 男, 博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为高分子复合材料、粉体材料、固体废弃物资源化利用。E-mail:messi2008@126.com。
摘要:为了解决当前煤气化渣大量堆存造成的环境污染问题,探索其高附加值利用的新途径,对煤气化渣物化性质进行分析,探讨其作为橡胶填料的可行性,利用蒸汽动能磨对煤气化渣进行超细加工,研究微粉粒径和用量对橡胶补强性能的影响。结果表明:煤气化渣由大量团聚的微珠和少量多孔残炭组成,其物化性质稳定,500℃以内热稳定性良好,能够制备橡胶填料。利用蒸汽动能磨可以将煤气化渣粉碎成粒径为5~15μm的微粉。煤气化渣微粉在溶聚丁苯橡胶中的分散性随粒径的减小而降低,补强性能先提高后降低,以粒径为10μm的样品补强效果最佳;粒径为10μm的煤气化渣微粉在填充量为10~80 g时,分散性随填充量的增加而降低,补强性能先提高后降低,填充量为60 g时效果最佳;在粒径和填充量相同的情况下,煤气化渣微粉的补强性能优于轻质碳酸钙的。
Abstract:To mitigate the environmental pollution caused by the large accumulation of coal gasification slag, a new application of coal gasification slag was explored with high added value. First, the feasibility of coal gasification slag as rubber filler was investigated by the analysis of its physical and chemical properties, and then the coal gasification slag was processed by the ultra-fine grinding. Finally, the effect of powder size and dosage of coal gasification slag were systematically studied for its rubber reinforcing performance. The results show that the coal gasification slag consists of a large number of agglomerated micro beads and a small amount of porous residual carbon, which are very stable at the temperature lower than 500 ℃, and can be used as rubber filler. The stream-driven grinder could achieve the fine particle size at 5~15 μm. The dispersion of coal gasification slag powder in solutionpolymeriz styrene butadiene rubber decreases with the decreased the particle size, but its reinforcement performance first increases and then decreases. The best reinforcement effect is achieved by the particle size at 10 μm. The dispersion of 10 μm coal gasification slag powder decreases with the increase of filling amountin the range of 10~80 g, but the mechanical properties of vulcanizate first increase and then decrease. The best performance is achieved at the filling amount as 60 g. When the particle size and filling amountin of fine powder are equal, the reinforcing performance of coal gasification slag powder is better than that of light calcium carbonate.
Keywords:coal gasification slag; dispersity; vulcanization property; mechanical property; steam mill
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