蔺万鹏,王丽阁,龚 伟,杨凯理
(西南科技大学 材料与化学学院,四川 绵阳 621000)
收稿日期:2022-07-28,修回日期:2022-11-17,在线出版时间:2023-01-11 11:27。
摘要:以粉煤灰、钾长石粉和钠长石粉为原料,磷石膏为发泡剂,采用高温烧结法制备多孔陶瓷;实验研究烧成温度、粉煤灰和磷石膏的用量对多孔陶瓷结构与性能的影响。结果表明:随着烧成温度和粉煤灰用量的增加,多孔陶瓷的密度和抗压强度减小,吸水率和孔隙率增加,增加磷石膏的用量会使样品的导热系数和抗压强度先减小后增大;当粉煤灰的质量分数为35%,磷石膏的质量分数为9%,烧成温度为1 250 ℃时,可以制备出综合性能良好的多孔陶瓷,密度为1.05 g/cm3,质量吸水率为5.84%,导热系数为0.517 W/(m·K),抗压强度为12.76 MPa,孔隙率为54.8%。
Abstract:Porous ceramics were prepared by high temperature sintering method with fly ash, potassium feldspar powder and albite powder as raw materials and phosphogypsum as foaming agent.The effects of firing temperature, the amount of fly ash and phosphogypsum on the structure and properties of porous ceramics were investigated.The results show that the density and compressive strength of porous ceramics decrease with the increasing of firing temperature and the amount of fly ash, while the water absorption and porosity increase.The thermal conductivity and compressive strength of the sample decrease first and then increase with the increasing of the amount of phosphogypsum.When the mass fraction of fly ash is 35%, the mass fraction of phosphogypsum is 9%, and the firing temperature is 1 250 ℃, the porous ceramics with good comprehensive performance can be prepared.The density is 1.05 g/cm3, the mass water absorption is 5.84%, the thermal conductivity is 0.517 W/(m·K), the compressive strength is 12.76 MPa, and the porosity is 54.8%.
Keywords:porous ceramics; fly ash; phosphogypsum; thermal conductivity
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